Search Results for: find advisor

Financial Advice, Fees and Your Future

Canada frequently ranks high on lists of the best countries to live, but when it comes to fees for financial products, we rank among the worst in the developed world. While the securities regulators are taking a hard look at … Continue reading

Posted in Investing, Money Coaching

Seven Ways to De-stress about Money

By Sheila Walkington, BBA, CFP® Everyone experiences stress as a natural reaction to certain events or circumstances. The severity of the reaction will, of course vary from individual to individual. For example, some love the sound of thunder while others … Continue reading

Posted in Money Coaching, Relationship to money

Women, Money and Power: How Times are Changing for the Better

By Karin Mizgala, Co-Founder and CEO Money Coaches Canada On March 8th, we celebrated International Women’s Day (IWD), a global day recognizing the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. But IWD is about more than one day; the theme … Continue reading

Posted in Financial Literacy, Investing, Relationship to money

A Financial Plan is a Roadmap

In today’s hectic world, most people have neither the time nor the expertise necessary to navigate the financial complexities of modern life. They need help making sense of it all, and would benefit from a comprehensive, thoughtful approach to money … Continue reading

Posted in Investing, Money Coaching

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Money Coach? A Money Coach is an advice-only financial professional that doesn’t sell investments, insurance or financial products. They are experts whose sole interest is your financial success. As a financial professional, a Money Coach will work … Continue reading

How Can My Home Equity Support My Retirement Goals?

By Christine Williston, B.A., FPSC Level 1® For older Canadians, with a paid or almost paid mortgage, ever increasing home values feels like watching winning numbers come up in the lottery. But how best to cash in the ticket? Or should it even … Continue reading

Posted in Ask Your Money Coach, Money Coaching, Retirement savings

7 Stages of Financial Well-Being®

Financial well-being comes with a deeper understanding of where you stand with money, emotionally and financially, developing concise and attainable goals, getting organized and implementing a manageable plan to move forward. We created the 7 Stages of Financial Well-Being®, a … Continue reading

Maintain Marital Bliss by Following These 5 Money Management Principles

By Melanie Buffel, B.A. Psych, MBA Candidate Marriages suffer when there is financial stress. Sometimes they fail. In Canada, where the divorce rate is 48%, money issues are often cited as a contributing factor in a relationship’s downfall. But there … Continue reading

Posted in Budgeting and Cash Flow, Money Coaching, Relationship to money

Don’t Let Short-Term Events Impact Your Long-Term Investing Success

By Anthony Larsen, BAS, CFP® Investment success can be reduced to four simple words: buy low, sell high; just as diet success can be boiled down to: eat less, move more. So why aren’t we all wealthy and in stellar health? … Continue reading

Posted in Investing, Money Coaching, Retirement savings

Are You Ready for the Truth About Your Investments?

By Karin Mizgala, Co-founder and CEO Money Coaches Canada Choosing a focus word for the year ahead has become a popular New Year’s activity. Words like flourish and balance are trendy, unless you work in the financial services industry, where … Continue reading

Posted in Ask Your Money Coach, Financial Literacy, Investing, Money Coaching