Categories: Retirement savings

Are You On-Track To Retire in 10 Years? Do These 5 Things Right Now To Be Sure

By Sandra Mann, CPA, CGA, QAFP®   With 10 years to retirement, your daydreams may be turning to a morning latte on your deck, instead of a tepid coffee on your commute. But before you buy that Life Begins at … Continue reading

Posted in For your information, Money Coaching, Retirement savings

How Much Do You Need to Retire?

By Steve Bridge, BA (Hons.), CFP®  Retirement, or financial independence, ranks as one of people’s top financial goals. We’re currently in the midst of “RRSP Season”, and many Canadians are giving at least a passing thought to their eventual retirement. … Continue reading

Posted in Budgeting and Cash Flow, Retirement savings

A Surprising Challenge in Retirement: Spending What you Worked so Hard to Save

By Jenny Reimer, CFP® Director, Financial Planning Making the psychological shift from saver to spender can be surprisingly difficult for many new retirees. We often meet with clients who are hesitant to draw down their investments and who feel overwhelmed … Continue reading

Posted in Financial Planning, Retirement savings

Life After Work: Planning for and Living in Retirement

By Jenny Reimer, CFP® Director, Financial Planning Our co-founder and CEO, Karin Mizgala, was recently invited to speak at an event hosted by Steadyhand Investment Management. In this webinar, Karin and another leading independent financial planner, Jason Heath discuss questions … Continue reading

Posted in Financial Planning, Retirement savings

RRSPs: 3 Major Things That Matter To Me

By Tom Feigs, CFP® Tis the season—of retirement planning! With the RRSP contribution deadline on March 1st and tax season only a hop, skip and jump away, Canadians are thinking about their long term financial future. Retirement plans are as … Continue reading

Posted in Retirement savings

5 Ways to Lessen the Impact of COVID-19 on Your Retirement Plans

By Karin Mizgala, CFP® Co-founder and CEO Money Coaches Canada As we enter our third pandemic year, it can be tough to plan for the future. Retirement? What’s that? We’re just trying to make it through the day intact! This … Continue reading

Posted in For your information, Investing, Money Coaching, Relationship to money, Retirement savings

Things to Consider When Deciding When to Take CPP and OAS

By Noel D’Souza, P.Eng, CFP® Introduction You’ve worked long and hard in Canada for years, quite possibly several decades, and now the finish line is in sight. Retirement. That Holy Grail. Just one minor thing: How are you going to … Continue reading

Posted in Financial Literacy, Financial Planning, Retirement savings

Best Tips for Smart Savings

By Janet Gray, B.A., B.Admin, CFP®, EPC, CPCA I often get asked ‘how can I save more?’  This might help to get you started. Which statement currently best describes your situation? Income minus Savings and Needs = Spending Or Income minus … Continue reading

Posted in Budgeting and Cash Flow, Debt, Money Coaching, Relationship to money, Retirement savings

When Should I Take CPP? The Big Payoff if You Wait to Age 70

By Noel D’Souza, P.Eng, CFP® The Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) is alive and well in Canada. It’s why we check our phones for emails and texts every minute, sign up for store sale notifications, and pile into speculative investments, … Continue reading

Posted in Retirement savings