Tag Archives: OAS

Are You On-Track To Retire in 10 Years? Do These 5 Things Right Now To Be Sure

By Sandra Mann, CPA, CGA, QAFP®   With 10 years to retirement, your daydreams may be turning to a morning latte on your deck, instead of a tepid coffee on your commute. But before you buy that Life Begins at … Continue reading

Posted in For your information, Money Coaching, Retirement savings

A Surprising Challenge in Retirement: Spending What you Worked so Hard to Save

By Jenny Reimer, CFP® Director, Financial Planning Making the psychological shift from saver to spender can be surprisingly difficult for many new retirees. We often meet with clients who are hesitant to draw down their investments and who feel overwhelmed … Continue reading

Posted in Financial Planning, Retirement savings

Things to Consider When Deciding When to Take CPP and OAS

By Noel D’Souza, P.Eng, CFP® Introduction You’ve worked long and hard in Canada for years, quite possibly several decades, and now the finish line is in sight. Retirement. That Holy Grail. Just one minor thing: How are you going to … Continue reading

Posted in Financial Literacy, Financial Planning, Retirement savings

Do I have enough money to retire?

By Janet Gray, BA, BAdmin, CFP™, CHS, EPC, CPCA I am often asked, “Do I have enough to retire?” It’s an earnest question, asked by smart, educated people with good incomes, who want to be sure they are making good decisions about … Continue reading

Posted in Money Coaching, Retirement savings