Tag Archives: financial freedom

What to Do with Your Money After Paying Off the Mortgage

By Noel D’Souza, CFP® Director, Communications It has been a long road, but you have finally… FINALLY paid off your mortgage. Congratulations!! Your home is now truly yours. Given the marked rise in interest rates over the last two years … Continue reading

Posted in Financial Planning

How Much Do You Need to Retire?

By Steve Bridge, BA (Hons.), CFP®  Retirement, or financial independence, ranks as one of people’s top financial goals. We’re currently in the midst of “RRSP Season”, and many Canadians are giving at least a passing thought to their eventual retirement. … Continue reading

Posted in Budgeting and Cash Flow, Retirement savings

I’m Working Really Hard, But Not Getting Ahead. Five Misconceptions Keeping You Stuck

By Alison Stafford, CFP® How often have you thought—I could get out of debt and save more for retirement, if only I made more money. It appears to make sense; that more money would be the answer to your financial worries. … Continue reading

Posted in Budgeting and Cash Flow, Debt, Relationship to money

Is Financial Freedom Still Possible?

By Karin Mizgala, co-founder and CEO Money Coaches Canada COVID-19 has rattled us to the core. It has threatened our health and taken lives. It has damaged our economy and taken livelihoods. It has physically kept us apart, yet we … Continue reading

Posted in Budgeting and Cash Flow, Investing, Money Coaching, Relationship to money, Retirement savings

7 Stages of Financial Well-Being® – Where do you stand?

By Karin Mizgala, BA Psyc, MBA, CFP® January is almost over. One month down, and eleven to go. How are your financial New Year’s resolutions holding up in 2019? I hope you are doing better financially, and that you are … Continue reading

Posted in 7 Stages of Financial Well-Being®, Money Coaching, Relationship to money

Five Steps To Begin Your Journey to Financial Independence

By Sheila Walkington, Co-founder and CFO Money Coaches Canada I think most people would answer the question, “Would you like to be financially independent?” with a resounding; “Yes, please!” But in many minds, the idea of financial independence is tied … Continue reading

Posted in Money Coaching

Financial Literacy in Action

By Melanie Buffel, BA Psych, MBA Candidate November is Financial Literacy Month in Canada and this is a wonderful opportunity to learn from each other’s experience, sharing our knowledge and feelings about money. There are so many financial concepts, products and … Continue reading

Posted in Financial Literacy, Money Coaching, Relationship to money

Book Review: Findependence Day by Jonathan Chevreau

The editor of MoneySense magazine has written another book called Findependence Day: How to achieve Financial Independence — while you’re still young enough to enjoy it. This time it’s a financial novel telling a story, instead of the usual factual … Continue reading

Posted in Book Reviews

He still loves me

By Karin Mizgala “He still loves me” aren’t exactly the words you’d expect to hear in a financial meeting. But these words, expressed by a recent money coaching client after finally being honest with her husband about the state of … Continue reading

Posted in Relationship to money