Categories: Retirement savings
Don’t Let Misconceptions Hurt Your Investment Portfolio
By Karin Mizgala, Co-Founder and CEO Money Coaches Canada The volume of financial advice at our fingertips is unprecedented. Through the phones in our pockets, we have access to newspapers, magazines, financial blogs, podcasts, videos and hundreds of books from financial … Continue reading
Investment Fees Matter… More Than You Think
By Karin Mizgala, Co-Founder and CEO Money Coaches Canada Canadians have a reputation for being polite. Maybe that’s why for years we’ve put up with investment fees that were confusing, often hidden, and higher than necessary. But polite doesn’t necessarily … Continue reading
How You Approach Investing Should Evolve as You Age – Part Two
By Karin Mizgala, CEO and Co-founder, Money Coaches Canada In part one of this post, I wrote about financial and investment considerations for those in their 20s. If you read that article, you may remember that I mentioned time as being one … Continue reading
RRSP vs RESP: How to Make the Right Choice
By Karin Mizgala, Co-Founder and CEO Money Coaches Canada From the moment our children are born we want the best for their future. Success is never guaranteed, but we hope to be able to offer them opportunities. And what better … Continue reading
I’m Fed Up with Paying High Fees; Should I Manage My Own Portfolio?
By Karin Mizgala, Co-Founder and CEO It’s been over a year since the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) implemented phase 2 of the Client Relationship Model, known as CRM2. If you have investments, you will have received two reports in 2017; the … Continue reading
How Can My Home Equity Support My Retirement Goals?
By Christine Williston, B.A., FPSC Level 1® For older Canadians, with a paid or almost paid mortgage, ever increasing home values feels like watching winning numbers come up in the lottery. But how best to cash in the ticket? Or should it even … Continue reading
How Do I Take Money From My RSP in Retirement?
By Tom Feigs, CFP®, CET What do you think when you hear the term RSP? If you are like many people, you probably think: contributions. Certainly the banking industry focus is on RSP sales, because that’s where they make their money. … Continue reading
How Divorce Can Affect Your Retirement
By Annie Kvick, B.Ed, CFP® The ending of a marriage is an unfortunate reality for many Canadians, it creates emotional upheaval for both partners and any children involved. But studies have shown that it generally impacts a woman’s financial well-being longer … Continue reading
Don’t Let Short-Term Events Impact Your Long-Term Investing Success
By Anthony Larsen, BAS, CFP® Investment success can be reduced to four simple words: buy low, sell high; just as diet success can be boiled down to: eat less, move more. So why aren’t we all wealthy and in stellar health? … Continue reading
Top 4 Money Challenges Women Face
By Karin Mizgala, co-founder and CEO Money Coaches Canada Canadian women have the freedom to create wealth, and make their own financial decisions, but it hasn’t always been that way. Less than 45 years ago, women had a difficult time … Continue reading