Tag Archives: Sandra Mann

Are You On-Track To Retire in 10 Years? Do These 5 Things Right Now To Be Sure

By Sandra Mann, CPA, CGA, QAFP®   With 10 years to retirement, your daydreams may be turning to a morning latte on your deck, instead of a tepid coffee on your commute. But before you buy that Life Begins at … Continue reading

Posted in For your information, Money Coaching, Retirement savings

CPP Expansion: A Rare Opportunity to Fine Tune Your Retirement Plan

By Sandra Mann, MBA Financial Services, CPA, CGA, FPSC Level 1™ I’m sure you’ve heard by now that the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is set for expansion beginning in 2019, but you may be wondering how the changes will impact … Continue reading

Posted in For your information, Retirement savings