Tag Archives: RSP
Are You On-Track To Retire in 10 Years? Do These 5 Things Right Now To Be Sure
By Sandra Mann, CPA, CGA, QAFP® With 10 years to retirement, your daydreams may be turning to a morning latte on your deck, instead of a tepid coffee on your commute. But before you buy that Life Begins at … Continue reading
RSPs, TFSAs, Paying Down Debt: What Should You Do?
By Sheila Walkington, Co-Founder and CFO of Money Coaches Canada Perhaps you’re trying to save for retirement? Set aside funds for a rainy day? Pay down debt, including that hefty mortgage? And of course, pursue other important goals that make life worth living! Whew! … Continue reading
How Do I Take Money From My RSP in Retirement?
By Tom Feigs, CFP®, CET What do you think when you hear the term RSP? If you are like many people, you probably think: contributions. Certainly the banking industry focus is on RSP sales, because that’s where they make their money. … Continue reading
5 tax filing tips to save you time and money
By Leslie Gardner, FPSC Level 1® Certificant in Financial Planning If the thought of tax season makes you squirm, you’re not alone. But being prepared, filing on time and knowing what you can deduct will help you get the job done … Continue reading
Why the short answer may not be right answer
By Alison Stafford, CFP® Money questions often appear straight forward, for example: should I pay down my mortgage or contribute to an RSP? But rarely, if ever, is one decision about money not impacted or influenced by your complete financial situation. … Continue reading
Will you contribute to an RSP this year?
Many of us grew up with the tried and true advice from our parents that we should invest in RSPs, and like a lot of parental advice, it is often ignored. Less than one in three eligible Canadians take advantage … Continue reading
Can you have too many RSPs?
While you are in January planning and goal setting mode, take the time to review how many RSP accounts you have. If you have more than one, you probably have too many! See what Karin Mizgala, CEO of Money Coaches … Continue reading