The Money Coaches Canada 2024 Conference – Building Stronger Connections

Posted on: June 13, 2024

In May, the Money Coaches Canada team came together from across the country for our annual National Conference. This year we had the pleasure of gathering in Vancouver, BC, and our theme for this conference was Building Stronger Connections.

We chose this theme because we recognize how important connection is in our own lives and in the lives of the clients we serve. Whether with respect to our most important goals and deeply-held values, our friends, family, or colleagues, or in our professional network, strong connections are what allow us to cultivate richer relationships.

As Money Coaches and Advice-Only Financial Planners, it is this depth and strength of connection that allows us to be effective and truly impactful in the work we do. Over three days, we each shared what has been working well for us and where we can and should do even more.

We wish you could have been there with us – and you just might be able to next year! Stay tuned for details! But for now, here is a glimpse into our 2024 Conference.

money collaboration Gathered in our lovely venue, ready to get going!


Breakout team discussions to share how we connect with our clients to be even better coaches


We may be teammates, but there’s still room for a little hockey playoff rivalry!


The Money Coaches Canada Team – jazzed to reconnect with each other

Category(s): Financial Planning, Money Coaching
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